Sunday, September 22, 2019

Write a composition about Tree plantation

Tree plantation

Tree plantation means planting trees more and more. Trees are the gift of nature. They are useful in many ways. We can not do with out trees.
Trees also give us many other benefits. We get fruit and flowers from the trees. Trees provide us with fuel and timbers. In summer, trees give us cool shade under them. Trees in our forests draw the rain from the clouds.
Trees in our forests check the quick flow of rain-water and check the flood in our rivers. On the other hand, this water-flow gives us good water all the year round. We get food and medicine from trees. They give us shade and shelter. They keep the nature cool fresh.  So we should start tree plantation.
Trees should be planted on the bank of rivers, on the side of highways and on any fallow land. June and July are the proper time for tree plantation. Our govt. has started observing tree plantation week for the past few years. All of us should help to successful this step.
For the welfare of our country we should work together in planting trees. It will make the nature fresh and also save the nature.

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