Sunday, September 22, 2019

Write a composition about Student Life

Student Life

The period that is spent in the educational institution to receive education is called student life. It is the most valuable period of a man’s life. In fact it is the seed time of human life. Success of future life largely depends on student life.
The first duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. He should study hard and do his homework regularly. A student should learn good manners. He should respect his parents and seniors.
Student life is the most important part of  a man’s life. If he can train himself well, he is sure to shine in life. A student can do many social activities. He can help other to learn education. He also helps to understand the importance of sanitation.
Health is wealth. A student must possess a good health by taking proper foods and health care. 
Student life is the best time for choosing a career for future. A student can reach his desired goal having a well-chosen career.
A student must practice honesty and punctuality to be successful in future life.

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