Sunday, September 22, 2019

Write a composition about Value of Time

Value of Time

Human life is very short. But they have many things to do. It is said that time and tide wait for none. In fact, the importance of time cannot be valued in money. We have to do much and go a long way within this short span of life.
Life is nothing but the sum-total of moments. Every moment is very precious. Success in life depends on the best use of time. We must remember that success in life largely depends on the proper use of time. Time once lost can never be regained. If time goes away, it never returns. So we must make the best use of our time. Our work will never be done if we don’t do it timely. A man who does his work in time is crowned with success.
Everyone should use time in a proper way to succeed in life. To waste time is a crime. Those who waste time and indulge in idleness cannot succeed in life. An idle man is a burden for society and everybody hates him.
we should do everything when it is time to do. Time is more valuable than health and wealth. We can get back lost health and lost wealth but we cannot get back the lost time. The value of time can be realized only when it is properly utilized.

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