Friday, September 13, 2019

Write a composition about Natural Calamities in Bangladesh

Natural Calamities in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a land of natural calamities. Flood, cyclone, drought, famine destroy the life and property every year. People live here fighting against the frequent natural calamities.
   Of all these natural calamities, flood devastates our country every year. Every year during the rainy season, many parts of the country are submerged. It is almost an annual affair. 
    Flood lasting long time is a curse to the people of our country as it causes huge loss of life and property. It brings catastrophic sufferings to the people of the country. The crop fields, houses, roads and streets go under water. Various types of diseases like cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid break out.
    Cyclone is another natural calamity in our country. It revolves violently round a center during the last few years, several devastating cyclones hit Bangladesh and caused immense harm to the people. Cyclones also create the scarcity of food and spread different kinds of diseases like dysentery, cholera, fever etc. in all the affected areas.
   However, the losses of cyclones can be reduced to some extent by using modern technology of weather forecasting and prior warning. An efficient measure should also be taken to mitigate the sufferings of the flood victims.
   In fine, it can be said that natural calamities for a poor country like Bangladesh are destructive. So, steps should be taken to prevent their destructive effect for the greater interest of the country.

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