Monday, September 23, 2019

Write an application to The principal of your school praying for increasing common room facilities.

10th June 2015.
The principal,
St. Alfred’s  School and college,
Padrishibpur, Barishal.

Subject: Prayer for increasing common room facilities.

We, the students of your school beg most respectfully to state that our school is adorned with many modern facilities. But it is a matter of regret that there is no facility for reading a newspaper and playing an indoor game in the common room. As a result, we can not pass our leisure period effectively and enjoyable. But all these are necessary for the improvement of our creativity.
May we, therefore, hope and pray that you would be kind enough to take steps for increasing common room facilities and oblige thereby.
We remain,
Yours obediently,
The students of
St. Alfred’s  School and college.

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