Friday, October 11, 2019

Completing story about the lion and the mouse.

The lion and the mouse

Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By change it ran over the face of the lion. It wakes the lion. At this the lion grew very angry and caught the mouse and said, "How dare you break my sleep? I’ll kill you." The little mouse requested the lion not to eat him. The mouse promised to do some good in return. The lion smiled and let the mouse go. After some days the lion was caught in a net by some hunter. The rope was too strong to come out of it. He roared to come out but in vain. Then the mouse reached there and assured the lion to help him in this danger. Once you saved my life and now I’ll save your life. Saying this the mouse began to cut the rope and released the lion from the net.

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