Saturday, September 21, 2019

Write an application to The principal of your school praying for go on a picnic.

10th June 2015.
The principal ,
St. Alfred’s  School and college ,
Padrishibpur, Barishal.

Subject: Prayer for go on a picnic.

We, the students of your school beg most respectfully to state that we would like to go on a picnic. We have decided to go to Sunderbon. It is recently declared the world heritage site. Our English teacher Mr.Shahidul Islam has already given his consent to accompany us. For the expenses of the tour we have collected Tk.10000/=
May we, therefore, hope and pray that you would be kind enough to permit us to on the picnic and oblige thereby.
We remain,
Yours obediently,
The students of
St. Alfred’s  School and college.

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