Friday, June 28, 2024

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Write a letter to your Friend for inviting him to join your birth day ceremony.

15th june, 2016
Barishal .
Dear Fahim,
Hope you are well by the grace of Allah. You will be glad to know that my thirteenth birthday ceremony comes off on 20th instant. Most of my friends have been invited to attend the function. My parents also expect you in our midst on that happy day. Please do come and make the function joyous.
No more today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to youngers.
Your loving friend,

Write a dialogue between two friends on the importance of reading good books.

Write a dialogue between two friends on the importance of reading good books.

Rahim:-Hello, how are you?
Karim:- Fine. Please don't disturb me I’m doing something.
Rahim:-but tell me first what are you doing???
Karim:-I am reading a book.
Rahim :-what is the benefitof reading good books?
Karim:- Its so important to read books. It will widen our outlook.
Rahim:-Ok but how?
Karim:-If we read books than we can get the information about whole world.
Rahim:-Ok. Thank you so much. Now I will also spend a lot of time by reading books.

Application for setting up a canteen.

Application for setting up a canteen.

10th June 2015.
The principal ,
St. Alfred’s  School and college ,
Padrishibpur, Barishal.
Subject:Application for setting up a canteen in the school campus.
We the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that it is a matter of great regret that there is no canteen in our school campus. There is a thirty minutes break at lunch time. We have to take lunch at roadside hotels. But most of these are unhygienic and harmful to our health. Moreover, a school canteen may provide low-priced healthy food.
May we therefore hope and pray that you would be kind enough to take steps to set up a canteen in the school campus and oblige  thereby.
We remain,
Yours obediently,
The students of
St. Alfred’s  School and college

Write a composition about The rainy season

Write a composition about The rainy season

The rainy season
There are six seasons in Bangladesh. The rainy season is one of them. It comes after summer. Ashar and Shravan are the months of Rainy season. During the rainy season the sky is cloudy. Sometimes the sun is not seen.
During the rainy season it rains cats and dogs. So people keep themselves inside the house. Students can not go to school, Madrasha, and Colleges. Road become muddy and slippery. Rivers, tanks, ponds and canals become full to brim. Many villages go under water.
The rainy season is very useful for our country. It brings alluvial silt. It makes our land fertile. Bangladesh is a land of agriculture. Our agriculture mainly depends on water. So the rainy season is a very important season for us. Rain brings much water for our land and Paddy, Jute, sugarcane etc. grow rapidly. Farmers are busy in this season. They sing and work in the field with joy. The house and roads are washed away in this season. We get fishes in this season.
Sometimes the rainy season is a curse. Sometimes flood occurs and washes away our crops and houses. Several diseases break out. The poor can not earn their living.
It is true that the rainy season makes earth cool after the heat of summer. The nature looks very beautiful. I like this season very much.

Paragraph about My class room